Just had a big long rattle here in Christchurch NZ, epicentre was a ways off but it gets your nerves going and now I want all the sugar!
Hey everyone, I am just wondering if any other female bodied people have ever gone at stupid o'clock to the 24 hour gyms in their area. I have a good opportunity to join one at a pretty good cost per week. I'm a nurse and mostly live on the night shift so 24 hours is pretty much my only option for joining and actually…
Hi everyone, I'm Sophia, in NZ via the UK. Had a lifelong crappy diet but have been thinking a lot about food and nutrition for a long time. Finally decided to give Paleo a go about 2.5 weeks ago and this morning I got on the scales and was below 80kgs for the first time in a long, long, long time. I literally squeaked…
I hope you are all well today. I woke up a few days ago and decided enough was enough. No big dramaz or road to Damascus experience I just decided that losing weight was something I could do and therefore I would do. I got myself a scale and stepped on it. Ouch. But I refuse to fall prey to hating myself for the shape of…