I'm a stay at home mom, and can't really go to the gym often enough. I want some suggestions for good workouts I can do at home with little to no equipment. Also, I live in Minnesota and it's colder than a witches tit outside, so indoor activities only please. I would consider my fitness level to be "beginner", so nothing…
Has anyone freaked out when you realize how much you really consuming before? Tracking calories can have some unpleasant realizations! What were you eating before and were you startled by how much? Let's hear it! My freak out moment was chips- lika whole bag of chips. No, not the individual ones.
Right now I'm on a 1200 calorie diet. Tonight after my dinner, I felt funny. It was like this weird feeling of being stuffed and starved at the same time, it's hard to explain. Does anyone else ever feel that way?