I made skinny margarita's last nite, I did not have clear tequila so I used cuervo 2oz, the juice from a big lime a 1/2 oz of triple sec, I then added a splenda, this made it so good. This was the thing I think the cuervo needs vs. patron, in my opinion.
how can I make them work, I click to copy but when I try to paste it won't let me or I just get the word, no cute little smily face, :sad: see what I mean! ok crisis averted, it shows up when posted
So this weekend was a bit of a mess, I went out for ethiopian food and have no clue the caloric intake of the food, it is all vegan, also the had sushi the next night with another friend, my husband was away so it was girlfriend eat fest. I also had chinese which I sort of figured out. Any help?
Hello all, I have noticed thaqt the log tracks my sodium, I have no idea how much I should be having. I exercize a lot, my hasband doesn't worry about his at all, but my blood pressure is perfect. Clues anyone?