I haven't done a search yet so I will start adding people as I find them, but I would really like to meet some other women who have 100 lbs or more to lose, or who started their journey with that as a goal. I'll bet there's even a board just for people who want to make big losses lol but I will just start here and then…
Am I doing something wrong? I love the elliptical and, from what I can gather, the reason why I feel like it is easier than running is because it fully engages my upper body as well as my lower body; using more muscle groups=lower perceived level of exertion even though the actual level of exertion is equal to that…
Okay, so what's your favorite protein bar? I have been eating an Atkins Advantage Brownie Bar every day as part of my diet because, with a cup of coffee, it keeps me full for 6 hours and doesn't taste much like a protein bar at all. Except they are almost FIVE dollars each and it is starting to add up. I am a creature of…