Seeking social ladies who want to lose/have lost 100 lbs.

I haven't done a search yet so I will start adding people as I find them, but I would really like to meet some other women who have 100 lbs or more to lose, or who started their journey with that as a goal. I'll bet there's even a board just for people who want to make big losses lol but I will just start here and then I'll go have a poke around.

Ideally I'd like to find more friends who make their diaries public to their friends as I find this the most encouraging part of MFP. It really helps me to see what other people are eating and how they're exercising and how they're succeeding in that. It's encouraging as well to see that other people have cheat meals and blow-out days and still stay on track.

People who actively post status updates and will comment on my updates and cheer each other on would be great! I'm just seeking a little bit of community in that way since I won't have time to come on message boards every day.

A little about me:

I'm 27 and had my first baby 18 months ago, I gained 30 lbs which I have not yet lost. I moved overseas to Australia in 2008 and have gained about 15 lbs a year ever since as my life is much more sedentary here than it was in the U.S. Every year I lose about 20 lbs, and every year I hit a mental block at that stage and just start bingeing and gain it all back. I don't eat very "clean" at the moment although I have gone as far as eating full vegan in the past, and I think it's just not something I can maintain for the rest of my life. My goal is to be able to eat all the foods I love, in smaller portions. I will never be that person doing low-carb, though I am learning to embrace meat a bit more. It doesn't come naturally to me but I have nothing against anyone who loves eating Paleo or having a protein shake for lunch. I'm very live-and-let-live, and believe we all have to just find what works for us and stick with it to succeed at this. I believe cynicism is a poison and have no patience for pity-parties and negativity. We're all allowed a moment to sook every now and again, but I would relate best with other positive people.


  • PawPrints89
    PawPrints89 Posts: 16 Member
    I sent you a friend request. I want to lose 140lbs! I don't have an open diary, but I try to share my ideas when I can and I'm always happy to offer advice if you ask. I am vegetarian, so all of my meals are meat free!

    New friends are always welcome to add me!