I like it on top of meat dishes and broiled so it's crunchy. And it's good with Italian seasonings (sans salt). I've fallen in love with the stuff. Show me how you do it!
We all love success stories, but sometimes we need to remember that, every now and then, all of us SUCK. The journey to health is never without a pot hole or a detour, and I think it's important to take a break from comparing ourselves to the great things others have done and know that we are all just human. So I'll start.…
I was ringing up a regular customer today when, out of the blue she says, "You're losing weight aren't you? Your sides are slimmer than last time I saw you." I just started my journey on the second and was not expecting this. My pants fit just a tiny bit better, so i knew something was going on but she SAW IT. It felt so…