Well it seems that my lawnmower, hedge trimmer and weed whacker have either taken on the role of my personal trainers, OR they want me dead. For 2 days now I have been trying to get these things started, in doing so I found out I am doing an exercise dubbed "Lawnmower Pull" 30 minutes yesterday and now 10 minutes today.…
This is one of my personal little saying's that seem to motivate me. A project that seems a bit to big, a new experience that seems scary, a goal that keeps eluding me. Life is all about learning from failure. I am picking myself up from a personal failure. I let myself get overwhelmed by things outside of my control, I…
A family member suggested I join, I have a weight loss goal but more importantly I have a life goal. I want to enjoy an active life again. I once had such a life, I wasn't tired all the time, I craved and ate healthy foods.My body didn't hurt and physical activity was easy. A motorcycle accident and then a bad marriage…