Hey, I really need to add something to my workouts (bored of gym equipment, or the way I'm using it at least). I'm a huge fan of martial arts and did karate when i was little but growing pains forced me out of it, so I am thinking of starting Kung-Fu. I have a Shaolin Fundamental training DVD which I'm doing and hopefully…
Hi, I am really trying hard atm to lose the weight I put on over the last year because I'm going on holiday at the end of the month and Uni in september. I sold my car to save money and make myself cycle everywhere, I'm going to the gym doing big mixed workouts with weights (maybe I need to do more???), and making an…
Last week was the worst week of my life thus far, I'm not going in to details but I am feeling really emotionally worn out. Since friday I've been to the gym twice and a far bit of walking, but today I just feel sooo tired. I normally go to the gym 5x a week, last week i think i did 4 and i haven't been so far this week. I…
I started my diet and exercise plan about the beginning of Feb this year to lose weight for a festival at the end of June. I have stuck to it pretty much every day, going to the gym at least 4 times a week, eating 1200 cals a day and i have literally lost no weight. I cant see how this is happening, i'm including all…