

  • Yeah, I probably do need to eat more of the right things to fuel. It's just scary in case it has the opposite effect but I will deffo try it, thanks :) as for inches, I haven't actually checked but I have a feeling I would have gained some muscle from the workouts so I will check tomorrow morning, unfortunately I have no…
  • I feel your pain, I work at a Subway and get free 6" ones on my break... It's not really exactly the same, but it's still hard to be in control when there's free food about. I just have to be aware of how many calories are in things by checking them up and thinking if it's worth wasting my precious calories on. Usually,…
  • Read the ingredients of what is actually in a sausage roll... that'll probably put you off haha, & don't worry about the driving test, if its something you know you can do it was probably just nerves so it'll be much better next time :)
  • Thanks for the advice everyone, I'm going to go to the gym with my mum, just a light workout to keep me in the habit, better than nothing :)
  • I generally have 2 bowls a day, not cos of the adverts ect... i just really like special k haha
    in Special K Comment by jenjaw May 2010
  • Thanks, nice to know someone is in the same boat (even if its an annoying one) I think I'll look more in to balancing my meals, kinda hard cause I work at a Subway though : /