So this week has been a down hill major. I dont know if the end of school has triggered my panic attacks, but suddenly I have very little control emotionally and it is making me eat with no boundries. I have gained back the five pounds I've lost making my attitude even worse. How is it that something so silly, like food,…
Another season is underway for my swim club and I am pumped...the workouts are 2 hours long ,take 5 minutes for stretching and a few more extra minutes off for the seconds in between sets. Estimated I come to around 110 minutes of swimming total....for those who swim for a team understand these workouts kick your butt! Th…
I do not understand what is going on....I started swimming last week mon.-fri. two hours a day getting 3-4 miles in each day. Plus I run and Bike here and there to shake things up a bit.I've eaten my 1200 calories (not under, not over )and somehow I gained a pound this week! It sure stinks when your super excited to get…