

  • I am a 53 years old and post menapausal. I have been an active exerciser for years and have been realitively slender. But after menapause I developed the middle spread. I hated it. I was 5'7 and 142 pounds give or take a pound or two, so I was by no means overweight. I happened upon the documentary but just caught the last…
  • So this week has been a down hill major. I dont know if the end of school has triggered my panic attacks, but suddenly I have very little control emotionally and it is making me eat with no boundries. I have gained back the five pounds I've lost making my attitude even worse. How is it that something so silly, like food,…
    in failing Comment by amandadanda May 2008
  • Studies show that sugar is many times sweeter than actual sugar. I don't remember when the article came out but I saw on MSN so you may check there. So I understand your sub. sugar problem. And using to much substitute may cause cancer(what doesn't now and days though?) So just don't over use. Sometimes it is just better…
  • Santa Fe Bean Company: Instant Fat free, Black Beans 2 small corn tortillas (you can find many variation I choose a low cal 70 calorie kind-they are smaller but have lots of fiber) A little salsa Plenty of fresh veggies- onions, greens, green peppers, tomatoes Very Filling comes in around 250-300 calories plenty of extra…
  • 5. Not wanting to go out with friends. 4. My mom always saying you'd be happier if you were 10 pounds thinner. 3. Not feeling like an athlete( the day a girl looked surprised when I told her I work out 3-4 hours a day for swimming and said "i didnt realize you even worked out"- heartbreaking) extra wave- when i wave.…
  • Sometimes your body is sending you messages- Oatmeals and bran have some protein, but not enough. Maybe next time try to have some egg beaters in the morning(30 cals and 6g protein-I usually double) this is low cal and protein is the super filler! Or I drink a protein mix with a little skim milk and a some water (140 for…
  • I am also a swimmer and understand the food issues facing your son. I have a huge costco bag of protein mix that I stir in with a cup of milk everyday. Not only is it extremely filling, but also has 27g of protein that help rebuild the muscles I break down after my four hour swim days (BLUCK!) I also like fruit smoothies…
  • I was at a leadership program on Wednesday and I heard some pretty inspiring information. One of the things I continue to repeat in my head during tough swim workouts or when I see my best friend eating a cookie and I also would love to eat one is ....Your comfort zone is finite and your uncomfortable zone is…
  • Another season is underway for my swim club and I am pumped...the workouts are 2 hours long ,take 5 minutes for stretching and a few more extra minutes off for the seconds in between sets. Estimated I come to around 110 minutes of swimming total....for those who swim for a team understand these workouts kick your butt! Th…
  • ahh thank you so much....i feel as if I can breathe a little bit better now. I'll continue onward! Thank you and I hope everything goes well for everyone.
    in UGH! Comment by amandadanda April 2008
  • I do not understand what is going on....I started swimming last week mon.-fri. two hours a day getting 3-4 miles in each day. Plus I run and Bike here and there to shake things up a bit.I've eaten my 1200 calories (not under, not over )and somehow I gained a pound this week! It sure stinks when your super excited to get…
    in UGH! Comment by amandadanda April 2008
  • That's great you ran nine miles. Actually all you doubters out there who believe you couldn't do it too, are wrong! If you follow a running schedule and increase your mileage only ten percent a week (to guard against injuries), you could do it too, if you truly want to. Infact, all of you could even do a marathon. It's…