Okay, I know I'll probably sound weird and stupid but here it goes anyway. I absolutely hate water and can't even drink much of anything in general. I hate the sloshing feeling in my stomach. I stay dehydrated and most times have dry patches on my face. During one pregnancy I was made to go to the hospital for a few hours…
Anyone else get the Terminix ad where ants are crawling on your computer screen? OMG, I about had a heart attack. :laugh:
These are the 2 things that I struggle with daily. I always go over. Today for instance, all I've had so far is vegetable soup, a lite yogurt and I'm about to indulge in a Cadbury Creme Egg (my first one of the year) which now already puts my sugar at -15. It's hard and frustrating. Even when I don't indulge in candy like…