Hi guys So ever since I took an antibiotic for a rash, I have suffered getting Candida infections over the past few years. I'm pretty sure it's been a big cause of my former partner leaving me. I also think this condition may be causing other synptoms I have that are being mistaken for allergies. Has anybody had the same…
Got randomly given a PlayStation 3, but only have a few gamer friends. Anyone want to add on psn? My ID is : sol_noir
Hi I'm Soleil. I'm new here and just got a fit bit and am using this aswell. This site seems to be mainly American, wanted to know if there was any people from the UK here? I'm trying to loose 2 stone as my first mile stone, would be nice having someone to talk to about weightloss and fitness.
I often eat out and I'm getting better at choosing the healthier option but how do you cope in a group of 6 or 7 people all eating huge TGI meals with alcohol? The last time I ate out with a group of people it was Nandos and I truely felt tourtured. How have people coped with groups of people eating large quantities of bad…