Do they help?
thanks for helping me
What do you guys order when you go out? We eat dinner out alot and it just confuses me to pieces now as to what to order. I sit there and look and think to myself well I can have a glass of water.
Went out last night for Valentines day and tried to behave. Outback. A steak and a chopped salad with broccoli and shared the grilled shrimp app. Only one piece of bread. Then on the way I start feeling sick. By the time I feel like I have the flu if you get my drift. Dizzy cramps, the whole 9 yards. Today at church a…
the people in our Diabetes class were talkin yesterday about this group. If y'all are here send me a friend request. Or if you just want friends and you are anywhere.
There was a group of in our education class yesterday that were talking about this group. Send me an a friend request if you guys are on here.
How well do these things work for you guys and what do you take? I am still a babe in the woods here and I'm looking for anything that helps. Working with diet & Metformin ER so far. At 140 this morning (my lowest from 201 reading a little over a week ago when dx) I'm trying to get to the elusive 100.