Back Again! Need help, need motivation and want new friends...
I am serious this time. My health and my mind need to get healthy. I started this journey on January 20, 2016 and in the last 56 days I have lost 43 pounds (I'm saying this because I want you to know that I am serious about this and need help staying motivated). I am trying to conquer my weight and health issues while I…
Spinning Classes
I need help; I am a Zumba freak... I love it but I now need to shake it up and try something new. I have been contemplating taking a spinning class but have never done it. Can someone please fill me in? Do you love it, hate it, why, why not? Do you see results, do you feel the results… Help me please :)
No More Excuses!!!
I started MFP in March 2011 and did really well for about 3 months, then I lost motivation and stopped logging in and frankly, I lost my way. Although I continued to work out (I dropped it from 5 days a week to 2 and stopped the strength training altogether), I gained 14 pounds, Ugh!!!! So when my work decided to kick off…
Needing modivation... Bad!!!
I have been doing really well and enjoying the progress that I have been making. I have been doing Zumba, which I really enjoy doing because it's not boring, but it seems to be getting harder and harder each class for me to keep up. I am now getting the steps but actually keeping up is almost impossible. I have been losing…
Starting My New Life!!!
Hello, my name is Amy and I just started my new life on Monday. I am 4 days into it and loving it! I have always been active and on the go, but always in an unhealthy way. Lots of dinners out, excessive partying and yes it has caught up, unfortunately it caught up years ago and I just kept ignoring it... you know what that…