Looking for friends with CMT (Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease)
I have CMT and am wondering if anyone else has and how they cope. In case you don't know what it is and are wondering here is the description (Foot deformities, such as high arches and hammertoes (a condition in which the middle joint of a toe bends upwards) are also characteristic due to weakness of the small muscles in…
Halloween candy - Yikes!
I have been known to binge on Halloween candy! I am worried that I will sabotage my hardwork if there is any candy in the house. I have one child who is going to go trick or treating and I just don't want to have the stuff anywhere near me. Once I start eating it it becomes an addiction! I am guessing there are lots of…
Halloween candy - Yikes!
I have been known to binge on Halloween candy! I am worried that I will sabotage my hardwork if there is any candy in the house. I have one child who is going to go trick or treating and I just don't want to have the stuff anywhere near me. Once I start eating it it becomes an addiction! I am guessing there are lots of…
getting back into working out after long time away....
I signed up at Snap Fitness and was wondering what I should start out with. Just watching calories is NOT working for me! I want to ease back into this if you know what I mean. Should I do some walking, biking and a bit of weights or what? It will be hard for me to get to there so I though I would attempt 2-3 times per…