Halloween candy - Yikes!

I have been known to binge on Halloween candy! I am worried that I will sabotage my hardwork if there is any candy in the house. I have one child who is going to go trick or treating and I just don't want to have the stuff anywhere near me. Once I start eating it it becomes an addiction! I am guessing there are lots of other people in the same boat. What are you going to do? My willpower when it comes to those little snack sized bars is ZIP! It is funny cause I don't think I would ever sit down and eat 2 regular sized candy bars but in the past I would have no problem sitting down and eating 10 mini candy bars!


  • oneoddsock
    oneoddsock Posts: 321 Member
    Factor a little of it into your daily calorie allowance, and then find a way to put the rest of it beyond your reach - ask somebody to hide it somewhere you won't accidentally find it.
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I have 3 kids...one is in preschool.. We have candy galore right now and they haven't even gone out trick or treating yet. I have it sitting on top of my fridge, out of sight, out of mind(for the most part). Im giving whatever we decide not to give to the kids/freeze to my brother. He can take it to work, and they eat anything there. :)
  • khern10
    khern10 Posts: 24
    I also have no will power. I find myself eating crap I don't even like such as smarties. I give it to my husband and tell him to hide it from me.
  • 6566tess
    6566tess Posts: 39 Member
    @ bethdris

    I just calculated your weight loss. You lost 81 pounds in 6 months? that is amazing! good job! The candy would have to be out of the house or I think the temptation would be too great for me. Peeps at work have candy on their desk etc...and I don't eat it but if it was in my house and I was having a craving I might cave!