I survived No Junk January!
I set a goal for January to not only not eat sugary junk food but to also not buy any during January and I did it despite having 5 kids and a husband with a sweet tooth. Just as a FYI I set this goal because I am a sugar binger and felt I was letting my sweet tooth get way out of control.
How I feel about fit bit
My Almost 30lbs gone halfway there pics
I never show by belly to anybody but I have worked so hard these last 3 months to get this far.Lots of better food choices and 5:15am workouts.
The Halloween Candy Diet...
Made me lose a pound sense Tuesday.😂 I was worried it would go up a bit this morning. I'm thinking a doughnut, hot chocolate and a whole bunch of fun sized candy bars every day isn't good for macros though. 😜
Sometimes it's the little things.
I'm no longer obese. Now I'm just overweight. I've still got a ways to go but it's always nice to hit those milestones.
Egg diet
I probably shouldn't do the egg diet today right? Its probably best if I eat more then boiled eggs and Cadbury eggs....
Nursing spurt.. Does it make YOU more hungry?
My 6 month old who is still exclusively nursing was up almost every hour last night nursing, he usually wakes up maybe once a night. I'm Starving today, has anyone else noticed that they are hungrier who baby eats more then usual? Just wondering if it's real or if I'm just wanting to pig out today.