hey! I wasn't sure what topic to post this under really... I'm just looking to possibly find some buddies in the Birmingham Alabama area! please personal message me or send a friend request. I need/want some friends/supporters from my area! thanks! :)
5'8" ladies, what is your goal weight? I'm 5'8" & I'm really just trying to figure out a reasonable weight to be my ultimate goal. I'm very close to my first goal weight that I set for myself when I first started this journey!! its completely unreal to be honest. I know that EVERYONE is different how they carry the weight…
I just wanted to share this article I read today. It was on the Yahoo! homepage... Honestly, about half of this article's facts I already knew, but I wanted to share because some just don't know!! :) http://health.yahoo.net/experts/dayinhealth/10-surprising-facts-about-calories
i really have a HUGE sweet tooth. i could eat candy & sweets all day long! i might feel slightly sick afterwards, but i wouldn't care. i love anything sweet, anything with sugar. a huge hurdle for me is wanting to eat sweet things after every meal. i will get done with my meal & then i will almost immediately crave…
i'm fairly new to the site. i joined last month & have been trying to post regularly my eating habits. :) its really opened my eyes as to how badly i eat, even though i know i want to lose weight. the thing i find most challenging right now is that it seems like healthier food cost more! money's tight right now for me, so…