Article to share: Are you concerned about your milk supply?
Hello ladies, Interesting article to read if you are worried your milk supply may be low. I found it cleared up some misconceptions I had and gave some good recommendations. Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to hyperlink... http://kellymom.com/bf/got-milk/supply-worries/low-supply/
Help! Lean protein while on strict diet for colicky baby
I want to increase lean protein at all my meals and snacks. However, I am exclusively breastfeeding a colicky baby and am not eating the typical sources of lean protein. I can eat chicken and fish but I'm looking for other creative sources. Please, any and all suggestions are much appreciated: breakfast and snacks are…
Effective exercises for healing diastasis recti?
Hello! I have diastasis recti, a 5 cm gap in my transverse abdominal muscles which means no matter how much weight I loose I continue to have a flabby stomach! I've been doing some exercises but am frustrated by the lack of recovery. Please share specific exercises and strategies that have worked for you to close the gap…