Hey all, as well as using this great site to log my diet and try and become more healthy in what I eat I've also started running, so far keeping to 3x 2mile runs a week, wondering if anyone else is a novice runner or more experienced with any good tips, Nike plus friends would also be welcome :) x
Hey all I'm new to the site joined a couple of days ago, bit about me, well I have a good 3 or 4 stone to lose, me and my OH have been TTC since 2009 and I have always been overweight but recently have gained a lot more. I need to lose weight to have IVF and so this is my main motivation although obviously looking and…
Hey all, Happy Shrove Tuesday today! time to eat some pancakes lol anyone got any healthy recipe/topping ideas? xxx
Hey all, usually I do 3x 30min runs a week which burns around 300kcal a pop. This week i am stuck in as my little chi has had puppies and want to keep an eye on them :) any good ideas I can do for exercise at home which will burn as good kcal? i have some free weights and a shake weight. TY! x