As a FOX football analyst, no one can argue that Troy Aikman is as good as they come! So why would Troy Aikman become our spokesperson? He certainly doesn't need the money. It's because he's been an IDLife customer and he quickly recognized the incredible value of our proprietary health assessment and the high quality of…
Ceritied Organic Nutrition
Proper nutrition is the foundation for all physical needs. Whether you're working out, trying to diet, or trying to live a healthy life... If you're lacking the nutrients YOUR Body needs, you're failing before you even start. YOU are Unique, as are YOUR nutritional needs. If you're taking the same nutritional supplements…
Meal Replacement Shake Label
Product FAQ's
Product Questions Isn’t IDLife just like the vitamins I already take? No, they are very different. These products are scientifically formulated to help you by providing therapeutic doses of specific nutrients to: · Restore nutrients depleted by your Rx program · Help your body resist Rx side effects · Improve your overall…
Free HIPAA COMPLIANT Health Assessment
Design Yours Today. Got a few minutes? That’s all it will take to complete our FREE, simple, thorough, confidential assessment. Our patented IDAssessment software will then develop a set of recommendations based on scientific studies targeted to YOUR needs. www.yourcustomizednutrition.com The FREE IDLife IDAssessment is…
Future of Health
Here's the One Technology Mark Cuban Believes Will Get Us Out of Our Economic Funk So what future technology is Mark Cuban most excited about? That’s a question I recently asked him, and while I expected to hear something like 3D printing or robotics, Cuban was thinking bigger, instead pointing to an area that touches…