Man this thing called changing your life style is a beautiful thing. Sat night I got in a pair of jeans that I could not fit for about a year and a half. but baby let me tell ya, I put those jeans on and a pair of stilettos on and I went out stepping. I smiled and danced all night.:smile: HOORAY HOORAY ANOTHER ONE BITES…
Hello to all, Well today i weighed in once again as I do every Friday and I did not loose what I wanted too, but I did loose something, a whole freaking quarter :explode: I can just break this scale. But I had to realize something is better than nothing. So to all that only see the line on the scale move two notches. KEEP…
In three weeks I have managed to take off 12 LBS :smile: This is the first time I have ever been on a diet and saw results, and trust me I have tried alot things. I am so happy right now I can eat a big
Hello to all, I just found out that my weight is affecting my dancing lesson. I am learning how to step which is simalar to ballroom dancing. I am doing this 4 days a week , 2 hours a day. This dancing thing really tells you how fit you are. I can barely dance 30 minutes without needing my astma pump. Thats the downside of…
Hello everyone I am sooooooo happy, I lost 10 pounds in three weeks. I can't believe it, but yep it's true 10 whole pounds. I am about to be booty licious.