Luton and Dunstable WLS Support Group
We now have a facebook support group. Please come and join us and speak to other L&Ders. http://www.facebook.com/groups/134673716647959/
Charity Bike Ride
So I have lost almost 10 stone and have agreed to do a 50 mile bike ride next year, to this day I have not done over 15 miles in a day. oops So I have set up a just giving page and would like some sponsorship, if you can donate just £1 each i would be very grateful. I will post pics and videos of me on the ride once i have…
Weight Loss Surgery Buddy Network
Hello, I am in the process of setting up a UK Buddy Network for anyone who is thinking of or has indeed had some type of WLS. The idea would be to be able to pass on a phone number or email address of allocated Volunteer Support Officers in geographical areas of the UK, and they can give as much or as little support as…
New Facebook Group
Gastric Surgery Buddies Needed
I would love to hear from anyone else who has already had gastric surgery or who is thinking of having gastric surgery in or near to Cambridgeshire. Looking to start a buddy network going.
Cambs Gastric Surgery
I would love to hear from anyone else who has already had gastric surgery or who is thinking of having gastric surgery in or near to Cambridgeshire. Looking to start a buddy network going.
Peterborough, UK - Cycling Buddy Needed
Anyone want to buddy up, then send me a message. Age, sex, fitness not necessary lol
Help with Calories post Bypass Surgery
I have recently had a gastric bypass operation, and have now been exercising. The question is, I am taking in about 1000 cals a day, but on average I am burning between 600-1000 cals a day cycling. What do I do with those calories, I have been just forgetting them , but I was told I should be eating them as well. There is…
Cambs WLS Support Group
If anyone is struggling with weight loss, or if you have had or are thinking of having weight loss surgery, then please visit www.cambswlssupport.co.uk We hop to see you there soon and offer you lots of support.
Cambridgeshire Buddy Needed
Hi there, Is there anyone from Cambridgeshire, UK that is looking for a buddy, if so, please contact me so we can start buddying.