Requirments: Being low in bodyfat and having a clean diet. Goal: Building some mucles, while preserving bodyfat low as possible. Question: Have any of you guys tried bulking with IF? I wanna hear your personal experiences, or see some before and after photos. *I think its difficult to have 2500-3000 calories in 6-8 hour…
Requirements: Going for gym training and clean diet. Goal: Lose fat to near 8-10%, while preserving as much muscle as possible. Question: Have any of you guys tried this diet? I would like to hear your personal experiences, and see some before and after photos if you have. PS. i am not very familiar with MFP forum so there…
As the title says for someone who is lifting and has a decent muscularity, What is better? To cut first, so after your bulk you ll have a nice result? Or bulk first and then have a long cut period while losing some of your muscles? And why?! I will give two examples: 1)Someone is -12kg from his height(cm) with 8%bf and…