Squat Form
The past couple weeks I have been getting horrible pain in my lower back right after squats. I go parallel and my butt is pushed back with a straight lower back, chest up with traps engaged. I contract my abs during movement to keep a tight base. I don't know what I'm doing to cause the pain. But it lasts for days. It's…
Something different
Rate how the above "would" look nude, give three compliments, and guess their spirit animal.
What kind of underwear is the person above you wearing?
Boxers, briefs, thongs, boy shorts, granny panties, whitey tighties, banana hammocks, commando?
Why do you like MFP over other social media?
I can honestly say that everyone on this site seems positive. Facebook has turned into a venting website about how crappy everyone's life is. It's nice to wake up to motivated people ready to take on the day and attempt a healthy lifestyle day after day.
Horrible form
I know I shouldn't judge other people when they work out. But today I saw a guy squatting going down about a foot, then back up, with a rounded back. I really don't even think you gain anything from a movement like that, except risk of injury. I wanted to say something. If it were me, I would want help especially with a…
Wendler 5/3/1 question
I love this program. Strength gains are great. But I feel as though this program is neglecting a lot of other areas. Only 2 alternate exercises? I've added a few more but my recovery time has significantly increased. I'm trying to modify this plan a little bit without touching the major lifts. Does anyone have experience…