Hi all :) I just wanted to ask you...theoretically ( I am not in maintainance yet),.. would it be bad if someone eats extremely good, meeting all micro and most of the macro requirements, but eating just a little bit under maintainance, lets say 100-150 calories less. This is what I aim to do, because I enjoy having a…
Hey friends, I've been paleo for almost 2 years now, but the last 5 month did gain weight because of excessive eating, I mean A LOT. Now I want to start counting calories. Did anyone have good results with the combination. I will be very happy to see or read your results. Please if you are not paleo, dont start the…
Hey guys :) I am 5 ft 8, 149 pounds and did gain 20 pounds on paleo excessive eating last months. I am paleo for 1 year and 7 months and lost loads of fat (not very much weight), but now I just binged on nuts and potatoes. I want to start calorie counting to lose the 20 pounds, build a big muscular butt and maintain my…