Am I sedentary or lightly active?
Hello, I'm a female, 5'6", 112.5 lbs, 18 years old. I'm looking to maintain my weight. I try to do a little bit of cardio and strength training 3 times a week, but I never do more than 45-60 minutes. I'm a student, so I spend most of the day sitting except when I walk from class to class. I'm not sure if I'm considered…
Help and advice please!
Hey everyone, this is going to be a long post so I beg you to bear with me. I'm 5'6", 113 pounds, 18 years old. I'm sedentary and only workout 3 hours per week. Its been a while since I started counting calories to keep track of my weight. I've only lost about 5 pounds but I don't want to lose more, I want to maintain.…
How many calories do I need to maintain? Help!
Hello everyone, I'm 18 years old, 113 pounds, 5'6" tall. I'm pretty sedentary and only do some light activity about 3 times a week. I want to maintain my current weight. Some people have told me 1400 calories is my maximum to maintain, while others suggest a larger numer like 2000. I don't really know what to do. I don't…