So I am 5' 1 1/2". (when your this short, even the half inch counts) I've struggled with weight my entire life. In highschool I decided to lose weight, since having a boyfriend hadn't happened...I was 16 and never kissed. I was ready for a boy that I liked to actually like me back....ANYWAYS BACK TO TOPIC. I never got…
Good morning all. So a breif summary of my journey. In 2006 when I met my husband (to be, at the time), I was 140. We got married 1 year later, I was 160 then. Had a baby in 2009, after delivery i was 210 (baby weight gone already). I gained 50 lbs since then, and had baby #2 February 2014. I've been wanting to do…
My day starts at 5:00 AM, when I wake up to feel my 5 month old, followed by letting the dog out, feeding the dog, changing the baby, letting the dog back in, waking up my 5 year old, getting her dressed and ready...finally at 6:30 head out the door (yes some where in that time line I managed to spend 5-10 minutes on…