Shirts off season is on hold for warmer weather.... Well... At least for some us non-Aussie folks and those not brave enough (or maybe just more sane) to be shirtless in the snow. Post your favorite or current Eskimo suit look. Or whatever Eskimo related option you prefer.
What's something you never knew until recently? To get things started: I just found out per my coworker the other day that there is a fill line on the instant oatmeal packets. Whhaaattt?? He used hot water, to fill it, though. I now also understand why they specify "cold"...
I've been trying to figure out a new place to live. I live in San Jose- there are a million things to do here, but not so ideal for raising a kid. Lots of crime/traffic/idiots.
Has anyone had any luck boosting and regulating your body temp and metabolism? I'm hypo with insulin resistance and pcos. I recently was up in the middle of the night and I was told it might be a metabolism/adrenals issue. So, I was curious and took my temp after I was already up today and it was 97.5 It has always been on…