Hello everyone, I discovered this site by accident from a free calorie counting app on my blackberry torch, I am really impressed especially with this website as well.
I love drinking my builders tea, with 2 sugars and milk. Must be using at least 100- 200 calories a day, Cant seem to give up or even decrease my love of tea drinking. Probably a sugar addiction. Anyone else have this problem?
I am looking forward to my undereye dark circles clearing up and the ease of my PCOS, which apparently will dissappear if I lose weight and slim thighs.
Does anyone else notice mood swings when your dieting?
This is weird ive been calorie counting religously for 10 days and i have gone back to my starting weight, i really cant believe it? I hope it is because of my time of the month coming, how annoying.
im starving 3rd day of diet, i am determined. Will make sure i dont make the mistake of wasting calories on a glass of coke and a mars bar again!