Hello dear community. I am actively working on losing 30 Kg (66 lbs). I have have lost 5 kilos and still have 25 to go. The reason I am doing this is to improve my health (Joints pain, lethargy, feeking bloated all the timen skin mycosis in the skin folds, culpability...) but also because I am tired of constantly worring…
This is a long post but I hope you'll take some time to read it: I currently weight 99 Kg (218 lbs) and am folliwing a meal plan provided by a nutritionnist in order to stay in a caloric deficit (I get a new meal plan every week). As per my workouts, the doctor says i should stick with doing long walks every day but: 1-…
Hello everyone, I would like to get some advice on ways to deal with sugar withdrawal which have been causing me some severe nausea and dizziness. I overall eat balances meals, I get enought proteines, fat and carbs and I eat in reasonable quantities. I also exercise regularily, sleep enough and mostly drink water. But I…
Hi sexylosers I have a little problem here and need your advice: When I wheighed myself two weeks ago the scale showed me a scary 98 Kilos (about 200 pounds). Having always struggled with my weight I tought it was time for me to start losing weight. Now the problem is I lost 5 Kilos (about 11pounds) in just two weeks and…