cosobsession Member


  • @Coldcitytoo I am so happy for you, it's crazy how we think some things are normal only to find out they were not once we lose the weight. Also, I would love to be able to sit confortably ?? I mean I never know what to do with my legs since I can't cross them, and I am always slouching due to heavy breasts and weak back…
  • Thank you @Retroguy2000 , @sijomial , @cwolfman13 , @Jthanmyfitnesspal and @TicTacToo for your kind replies. Thank you also for reassuring me that strenght/resistance training (Which is what I enjoy most) is good for me, and for emphasizing that I should workout in other goals in mind thank weight loss which definitely…
  • Thank you for your answer, I should definitely try watching a movie or a show while walking on the threadmil or while cycling (We do have an RPM space in the gym) And since you brought up fitness devices, for now I've decided to stop wearing my fitness watch as I was getting obsessed with the numbers instead of enjoying…
  • I don't live in the US and mine is a doctor who after graduationg medical school decided to focus on nutrition. Thanks for sharing your experience
  • Thank you everyone for sharing your experience. I am really looking forward to seing some resulats. I think physical pain, the guilt, and being able to shop as I please are the change I am most excited about... Good luck to all of us :) :)
  • Sorry for the delayed answer, I've just seen your comment. I've been seing a nutritionist who prescribes me a weekly meal plan that have been tailored around my blood work results. The meal plan does not inculde any addes sugar which we hope would help bring down my blood sugar (which was on the limit) otherwise I would be…
  • Update: Hi everyone, I am back with my blood work and from seeing a doctor, According to my results, I have insulin resistance which contributes to the weight gain and causes low blood sugar even if my body is producing more insulin than it should. Thanks again for your suggestions and good luck everyone
  • Oh wow I totally didn't know that .. so the fiber in fruits doesn't make breaking down the glucose and absorbing it any different ? Is the glycemic index all a lie? Omg thank you so much for enlightening me with your knowledge 🤯
  • Can you elaborate?
  • What do you mean?
  • Thank you everyone for your response, I've decided to see a nutritionnist to help me monitor my weightloss and he asked me to do some blood work to help assess the situation. Thank you for making me aware of an eventual health problem, I'll keep you updated
  • Thank you to everyone who responded. You asked some good questions which helped me address the issue from a different angle
  • Honestly I am not counting my calories at the moment. I did in the past for a long time which is why I know I am eating enough calories. I am not trying to be in a caloric deficit but rather trying to eat in a way that doesn't trigger binging episodes. Also I think I should plan my snacks and bring enough fruits, nuts just…
  • I also think it's an addiction which is why I called it "Sugar withdrawal" I am thinking that maybe I should do it gradually so it doesn't trigger theses reactions. Also I took some days off from work and trying to break the pattern
  • Thank you for your response, I eat btw 15000 and 17000 calories per day. I've never had any issues with blood pressure nor with glucose levels. I think the issue comes from cutting out sugary snacks ... I've read something about insulin resistance maybe I should dig into that
  • Thanks for your advices, I thin I should also buy some measurement tools so I can be sure of the quantities I'm eating. Also If you know some measurement equivalences (with spoons, glaces, etc) that would be so helpful
  • Thanks Branstin I'll have a look at it :)
  • Thanks to all of your for your replies and consideration :smile: I wasn't so sure of what I was doing that's what I posted here. Once I begun my diet I got kind of panaroid about my nutrition but now that I read all your replies I know I can add little things to my diet without guilt. Balancing is realy hard for me since I…