Is my diet too harsh?



  • angdpowers
    angdpowers Posts: 311 Member
    I stopped at "2T oatmeal & a fruit"

    That is a snack! Haha

    In all seriousness, my 4yr old who is inactive because she has spastic quad cerebral palsy eats more than you!!! Does that help you see what's wrong with your diet??

    Listen to everyone above....
    Eat more.
    Drink enough water.
    Move more.
    Meet your macros.
    Weigh & log it all!!
  • cosobsession
    cosobsession Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks Branstin I'll have a look at it :)
  • cosobsession
    cosobsession Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for your advices, I thin I should also buy some measurement tools so I can be sure of the quantities I'm eating. Also If you know some measurement equivalences (with spoons, glaces, etc) that would be so helpful
  • fireytiger
    fireytiger Posts: 236 Member
    I know everyone else has already told you this, but eat more, for one. You need to eat at LEAST 1200 calories a day to prevent yourself from starving, and probably more if you want to have a liveable lifestyle change. You don't want to diet, because as soon as you quit "dieting" you'll go right back to 200lbs. Instead, shoot for losing about a pound (maybe 2) a week, and make it a lifestyle choice. If you want to have, say, a cheeseburger on occasion, you can HAVE it, but just be accountable and use moderation when you do. Also, incorporate some exercise in your life, even if it's just walking for a half hour to an hour a day. And if you do that, you won't have to cut calories as harshly. Good luck to you, I know it's a hard journey and 200lb is a very scary number to see. You can get there, just do it the right way! :)
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    STOP! Take a deep breath and give yourself a hug. Then eat the same way you'd want your teenage daughter to eat (pretending if you do not have one). Would you want her to damage herself? Of course not! Show yourself the same care and concern!
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    Thanks for your advices, I thin I should also buy some measurement tools so I can be sure of the quantities I'm eating. Also If you know some measurement equivalences (with spoons, glaces, etc) that would be so helpful

    As everyone else said, yes you need to eat more.

    As far as measuring your food, there's nothing wrong with wanting to be as accurate as possible. You'll want to get a digital food scale, and weigh in grams if possible. Usually I only use ounces for weighing meat, and then round up. Cups and spoons have too much variance, and can be way off.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Yes way too harsh. My 18 month old granddaughter eats more than 2 tablespoons of oatmeal at a time.

    You don't have to cut out sugar or fat, eat what you ate before just in smaller portions, but more than 900 calories a day.

    Please read the sexypants link and this one:
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    For real? You're asking if 600-700 calories is too harsh? That is less than is required for a small child. You are essentially starving yourself and losing lean body mass if you continue to eat like that.

    a newborn baby needs around 500 cals/day....

    OP please take notice of everyone who's telling you that you need to feed your body properly to succeed at this...
  • Way too low. You need to eat more for sure....and please, do some research on healthy fats. Fat is not to be feared...healthy fats contribute to weight loss and good cholesterol, not to mention they are very healthy for you! How much you are eating is not.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Go see your doctor. You need some serious advice on a healthy diet.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Dangerous, damaging and totally unnecessary.
    In fact, what may well happen if you continue like this, is you will give up and end up gaining even more weight than you had to lose to begin with!

    Do this the safe, sensible and sustainable way. Set yourself to lose 1-1.5Ibs a week on here. Log and eat back at least half of your exercise calories. Focus on nutrient dense foods, but allow yourself treats in moderation. And make this a lifestyle change, not a 'diet'.

    I eat over 2000 calories a day. To lose weight. Your first focus should be health and fitness, and the weight aspect will fall into place.
  • ColeCake292012
    ColeCake292012 Posts: 247 Member
    For real? You're asking if 600-700 calories is too harsh? That is less than is required for a small child. You are essentially starving yourself and losing lean body mass if you continue to eat like that.

    Ditto. My 15 month-old eats more than that.
    The best thing you can do for yourself is figure out your TDEE and subtract about 20%. You may be losing weight, but you don't want to lose any lean mass (MUSCLE) that you have or you'll just end up looking like a smaller version of what you look like now i.e. skinny fat.

    I'm 5'3, 150 pounds and eat about 1500-1800/day and lose weight. I'm considered active, which makes a difference, but even if you're sitting most of the day, you should be eating twice what you are now. I know you want to lose the weight as quickly as possible, I've been there, but you have to do it for your health.
  • mrsmarit
    mrsmarit Posts: 229 Member
    Thanks for your advices, I thin I should also buy some measurement tools so I can be sure of the quantities I'm eating. Also If you know some measurement equivalences (with spoons, glaces, etc) that would be so helpful

    You should get a digital food scale that has the tare function and lbs & grams. Also a measuring cup for liquids.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Now the problem is I lost 5 Kilos (about 11pounds) in just two weeks and according to what I read on internet this may slow down my metabolism.

    Most of what you lost was water, not fat.

    And no, you did not slow down your metabolism.

    PS Find better places to "read on the internet"
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    My first response was going to be: "If you have to ask, then probably yes."

    My second response is...... well..... I better not give any other response.
  • GretaGirl8
    GretaGirl8 Posts: 274 Member
    I don't think your question is crazy. you are obviously motivated to lose weight, identified things to eliminate and are practicing portion control. however, you are just being a little too strict. besides it being an unhealthy (too little) amount to nourish you, it also isn't sustainable. you want to create a diet you can live with so you don't relapse into overeating. adding in some healthy additions to your diet througout the day will accomplish your intention to lose weight...AND you will be giving your body what it needs. it also will likely affect your mental/emotional function for the better. best of luck!
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Two tablespoons of oatmeal????

    omg you dont want to see the bowl of my hot oats in the morning.... with yummy crunchy peanut butter... Probably half of your 700 calories you have for the whole day...

    You need to work out your bmr & tdee, also add any exercise you do!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Edited becausI hit the button too quick!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Harsh is putting it mildly. This is starvation. Why are you punishing your body? Its the only one you get...treat her better than that'!!
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Yes your diet is too harsh. 600 calories a day WILL turn you into a skellington.

    My advice it's far better to burn fat than starve it. Try and find some sport that you enjoy. Or better yet take up walking! I walk 2 hours 3 times a week. Which accounts for about 2700 calories a week. That's not a mile under a lb a week lost just from my walking. Hell once I step up my game a bit and do the walk 4x a week that would be over a lb a week. And you would be surprised how quickly you can get used to walking that much :)