My body's become too accustom to the one I'm currently on and I'm starting to put on weight. I like to be at the gym for at least an hour a day, and this workout needs to cover the full body. And before anyone asks I keep my diet relatively clean, and that's why I'm getting so frustrated. I lost 25 pounds and then my body…
It's been popping up all over the place, and I'm curious if it works, and if it works is it mostly the diet they put you on or does the workout routine really help?
So, I'm at the skinny-fat mark and I could really use some help creating a solid toning routine. Of course I want to tone my entire body, if you could help me construct this that'd be amazing.
So, yeah pretty much new to all sorts of things right now. I finally have some equipment to work on which is a weight off my shoulders. The last time I was fit, I was living in the country and rode my bike two miles everyday sometimes twice a day. But then I moved to the city and running/biking became a lot more…