Hi guys, So I used to weight 220lbs and I wasn't happy about it :-P .... now I am down to 160 lbs but still pushing for a better body, my goal is around 8-10% body fat.... I am at 14.5% right now..... so still a long way to go but stil pushing forward... Tks guys.. A before and today pic :-).
Hi guys this is Miguel... When I was 210 lbs size 40 on pants and I was trying to lose weight, some of my strongest motivation came from some people's comments talling me that it would be too hard or that I could not do it...... Now I am at 164 lbs size 31 on pants and my next goal is to lower my BodyFat Percentage to at…
HI, I discovered this app a few months ago and it has helped me lots in keeping my ratios and calories in check. A little bit about me.... I am a 35 years old Hispanic male with a Height of 5'8" and I used to be much more overweight of what I am now.... I was about 210lbs almost size 40 in pants, but I started exercising…