Yeaph, Mirror and scale can be your best friends or your worst enemies :-P ... I find clothes to be a better way to tell what's going on with my body. You are looking great and big props to your husband for keeping you motivated, that is huge help right there to keep you focused on your goals.
Yeaph, I can see big difference, you are doing great. I don't know what your goal is but you are well on your way... :-)
Thank you... you are too kind :-) ... Thank you....
Wow 100lbs.... way to go man... :-D ... Keep up the good work .....
Tks for the support :-) ... We all know the road is not easy but with the support of each other, it gets a little more bearable :-D .
Ok I'll play :-) ... Here is one with 220lbs and 160lbs comparison..... BTW... is it just me or are we Males way way way outnumbered in this site?????? :-O
Thank you... :-) I see you are on your way too, 25lbs down is awesome... best of luck on your journey :-D .....
Hey Colin, Good for you, wanting to change and accept the reality that you are not living a healthy life is the first step, so you are up to a good start. I was approaching my 30's also when I started getting concerned about my weight/health, I was at 210 lbs size 40 pants and I am just 5'8" :-/ ... I am at a good healthy…
LOL there you go, that is the spirit.... LOL :-P... tks You are right I probably went too far calling it Negative Motivation...I couldnt find the right words but a Helping Hand works for me. Tks
Great point there... the biggest motivation should come from within myself.... :-D ... and it does.. that is what made me start the journey.... but the motivation gives me those little pushes that sometimes I need to keep going the extra mile :-p But I see the point and I agree.....