Fit for 30!

Hi all,

Before I begin I should be truly honest with you all, I am quite lazy and have tried many times to lose weight and ended up getting quite stressed (or telling my self that's why) and having a "insert fatty food of choice here". I always start out with the best intentions but I suppose that's a common tale.

In any case, my name is Colin and I live in the north east of England with my wife, Emma. I am 28 years old and currently building a rather successful career in management at one of the big 6 energy firms in the UK. When I am not working, I usually spend time relaxing, watching TV with the wife, playing video games (don't judge me lol), or going to the movies. So as you can see not very active.

I am starting to get more and more concerned about my weight and the health implications as i get closer to 30 so I have made the decision to get serious about my weight loss. The wife is already doing some classes at the local gym so while she does that, I going to go swimming 4 - 5 times a week after work.

Also, I have replaced my breakfast and lunch with Asda's Meal replacement shakes and I am having a Banana and a light Aplen bar between meals. I used to have a bacon and egg sandwich every morning for breakfast, then quite a fatty lunch with chips and that's without the crisps and chocolate I often eat. So as you can see, quite a few differences.

So right now I am 23 stone, 2 pounds, and I am looking to drop to less than 18 stone before I am 30 (15 months), so wish me luck and will try to update my weight loss weekly (all being well).

Also apologies for the length intro, but this was quite liberating being so open about it all.

Kind regards



  • reneerm17
    reneerm17 Posts: 5 Member
    That's so awesome you have decided to make this change in your life! Im also approaching 30 and feel the exact way ...please feel free to add me =)
  • KittySid85
    I am also approaching 30 and have a lot of weight to lose. I have always been "chubby", weighing 14 stone at 22 years old before I got pregnant with my eldest son in 2008. Since then, across 3 pregnancies I crept up to 19 stone in 5 years. This is my first serious attempt at losing weight. I joined slimming world last month. Having the 3 children, doing school runs, in and out to clubs they are members of, and being with the baby all day means I don't have time to go to the gym daily at the moment, so I bought an exercise bike for hubby and I to use at home as often as possible.

    I started at 18st 9lbs on 22.05.14 and and have lost 12lbs so far. I will be 30 in March 2015 so hope to be 15 stone or less by then.

    Good luck on your journey Colin, hope you don't mind me sharing a little bit of my story. Maybe if you wanted to add me we could support each other through the stones? :smile:
  • miguellara78
    Hey Colin,

    Good for you, wanting to change and accept the reality that you are not living a healthy life is the first step, so you are up to a good start.
    I was approaching my 30's also when I started getting concerned about my weight/health, I was at 210 lbs size 40 pants and I am just 5'8" :-/ ...
    I am at a good healthy level right now (165 lbs size 31 pants) but I am still pushing for my next goal (lower my BFP to 10% .....

    So my advice, it does take time, don't try to rush things and don't give up, you will have some ups and downs thru the journey but you need to stick to the plan no matter what and you will eventually see results if you do.

    You need to be constant, don't miss work outs for anything in the world, start slow while you build up strength so you don't hurt yourself but....... Don't be lazy..... push yourself a little further little by little and you will be stronger and faster and burn more calories in no time.

    Watch what you eat, this does not mean that you have to starve yourself to death.... actually quiet the oposite.... eat at least 4 - 5 times a day and spread your calories intake to a good Carbs/Protein/Fat ratio, count your calories and again, don't starve.... that is the worst thing you could do.

    I wish you good luck and hope to see a thinner you in the near future.

    Also... remember that once you start this, you should make a life style of it, not just a temporary change in your life.

  • daisiesinmay
    daisiesinmay Posts: 17 Member
    Sounds similar. I'm also approaching that daunting 30 number. And realizing that I'm starting to worry about what the future will hold for me if I don't take my health back into my hands. Which is silly, because my health is something I can control (relatively). So its time for me to get serious about this, and stop making excuses. Feel free to add me and I'll try to send support your way!
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    Welcome you can do this. It's not rocket science, it's just calories in versus calories out. Be faithful about adding the food and amounts you're eating on MFP and you'll get there.
  • yvonneangelgoh
    yvonneangelgoh Posts: 34 Member
    Hey there, this is exactly what I am experiencing. I turn 30 3 mths back.
  • klfoster88
    klfoster88 Posts: 65 Member
    Feel free to add me. On my profile the 30 yr old weight gain is one of my motivations. I was always very active and naturally thin until I got of the Army and became a desk-jockey. Now I've actually got try to make sure I'm active...ugh
  • PeacefulSeraph
    PeacefulSeraph Posts: 201 Member
    I can see everyone's excited about the big three zero... NOT! Lol

    I too will be 30, and in early july to boot! I'm at least trying to lose inches even if I'm not losing weight... but as everyone knows, weight loss is hard- especially if you have plateaued like I have. But let's all be strong and work together! Add me if you agree.

  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Hi Colin,
    It is great that you have decided to make a change. I turned 30 in January. Support and motivation on here is a great help. You can do this! I will add you :)
  • cryptonyt
    cryptonyt Posts: 85 Member
    Good for you! You took a great first step, joining MFP, and taking the time to share your commitment with everyone. I believe that helps. I recently turned thirty, and by recent,I mean about 13 years ago. LOL 30 is when I packed on the weight. It was not until I hit 40 that I did something about it, so you are on a good start getting to it while you are still quite relatively young. Having friends on MFP definitely helps. Small changes is the way to go. Each week or every other week make on small change that over the course of the week may not seem like much, but after a month or two will be huge. You can do things like removing one sugar from a coffee, having an apple instead of crisps on one or two days of week. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, even just on one day a week at first. Small changes helped me. Best of luck with your journey! And if you feel like it all goes awry and you fall on your face, at least you are still moving forward, Just dust yourself off an keep going. -)
  • scode83
    scode83 Posts: 42
    Also, I have replaced my breakfast and lunch with Asda's Meal replacement shakes and I am having a Banana and a light Aplen bar between meals. I used to have a bacon and egg sandwich every morning for breakfast, then quite a fatty lunch with chips and that's without the crisps and chocolate I often eat. So as you can see, quite a few differences.

    Meal replacement shake? Don't do that to yourself, a meal is not something that needs to be eliminated - but merely portioned correctly and full of the right food. You're more likely to end up crashing on your diet if you're over reliant on shakes, they just won't fill you up like proper food will. And when you don't feel full, well you're going to want to consume more. You might not feel it now, but you will do. Also, check out the sugar content on those Alpen bars, there's a lot of BS out there in regards to so called healthy snacks.
  • riadhdeb
    riadhdeb Posts: 211 Member
    I started training at 30