Hello Fitness Pal People! I am looking for friends to help motivate and keep me motivated so I can shed some of these stubborn lbs............so please se me invites! ~~dAiSy
Ok, so today I had to attend a party where I did not intend to eat cake and one thing lead to another and I ate a piece of cake. So now I keep hearing this little voice saying, "Don't go to the gym, just go home and eat pizza. You already ate cake and ruined the day, so it doesn't matter". Ugh can someone talk some sense…
Hello everyone, just posting to say hello and I am new. I have used this site for almost two weeks now and love it! I have already lost 5lbs. I have stuggled with my weight for quite awhile now and need support! So if anyone wants a weight loss buddy, send me a invite. Maybe we can insprire each other. ~~~Daisy