I'm looking into getting a Polar FT7 to better estimate my workout calories but I'm curious as to how accurate they actually are. I've read that they're only useful for steady state cardio- is this true? A in could I use this (and have it be accurate) when doing interval sprints, weight lifting, yoga/pilates, etc? I don't…
Does cooking vegetables significantly alter their nutritional content? I know if you add oil you have to factor that into your calorie count but I'm curious if anything else is significantly altered?
Hello Everyone! I am planning on starting the Insanity workout in about a week and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in participating in an accountability group! If you are just comment on this thread and I'll create the group and post the link to it on here.
Hello all! I am considering buying a hrm but am hesitant to do so because of the hefty price tag attached. For those of you who use them, how helpful have you found them in counting calories? Are there any models you would recommend?
So I know I'm probably opening a can of worms but here we go: I'm picking cycling back up again, and my original plan was to work out 2x a day 5 days a week for about an hour a piece going a moderate-high pace (so 2hours total a day) and throw in some bodyweight excercises a couple days a week to maintain muscle mass. I'm…
Hello all! So this summer I'm thinking of picking cycling back up again. I am from Houston so the air will be very humid and hot for the most part so I'm aiming to get in two rides a day-one early in the morning and one late at night- 45min-1hr a piece for a total of 1.5-2hrs a day. I'm also planning on doing light…