Accuracy of HRM calorie counter?

I'm looking into getting a Polar FT7 to better estimate my workout calories but I'm curious as to how accurate they actually are. I've read that they're only useful for steady state cardio- is this true? A in could I use this (and have it be accurate) when doing interval sprints, weight lifting, yoga/pilates, etc? I don't know if I want to buy something that I can only use for the running/biking part of a workout. For those who have HRM"s how helpful have they been in calculating your excercise calories and do you feel like they've been helpful in weight loss? (For stats in case it helps at all, F/20/5'6/155 with a goal weight of 130)


  • sm1zzle
    sm1zzle Posts: 920 Member
    I have the FT7 and it's been great.
  • I have a Polar FT5 and I think it works pretty well. It works at any time, weather you're just standing around or doing sprints. I bought one for doing intense cardio and it works great. And yeah I definitely think it's overall helpful in weight loss and exercise because some people may over or under estimate how many calories they're burning, and as a result, eat too much or too little. What I really like about it though is seeing my heart rate during cardio work outs, because you can make sure you're pushing yourself the right amount. So overall I think it's worth it!