needing friends for encouragement!! add me
i started mfp alittle over a month ago,and i dont wanna sound rude but i am very upset by the fact that i have 30 friends and only have about 4 of them tell me good job or way to go u know alittle more motivation!! i really need it cause i been stuggling alot here lately and i really need some friends thats doing mfp to…
hey guys! i need some breakfast ideas??? to me thats the hardest meal inless i wanna eat half my calories! i miss my 2% milk so bad only 1 cup for 130 calories :( orange juice aint much better!! i wish i wasnt so picky too
can anybody help? am going out to eat tonight at a fish camp and i always get fried japlapeno and i cant seem to find how many calories they will be? does anyone know?
how many calories is one whole strawberry? i cant seem to find it
i brought a workout bike yesterday and i just got on it for 8:35 and it told me i turned 131 calories but if i look it up on here and put in i was going 12 to 14 mph it says i burned 134!! which i was going faster than that so if i put in i was going 14 to 16mph it says i burned 167! so my questions is what do i do? which…
guys, i have a questions i had a recipe from weight watchers for a creamy lemon pie and i figured up the calories but how could i put in it the system so it will regsiter everything like fat and protien so i will know if i went over or should i even worry about that? i already put it in my diary as quick calorie and just…
hey everybody!! am new to finess pal and the whole calorie counting and not completely sure how it all works(so i need new friends that can help me)!! i have tryed weight watchers before and lost 25 pounds than got prego and lost the baby and got really depressed and just didnt care and gained alot of weight plus the 25 i…