I have really bad allergies today, and I just don't have an appetite. However, I'm way under on the calories... Should I be forcing myself to eat anyway?
Get your daily LOL: http://guyism.com/lifestyle/7-ways-to-be-obnoxious-while-exercising.html If you happen to do some of these things... Please don't be offended hahaha =)
I'm procrastinating on cleaning. What better way to procrastinate than talk about what you're procrastinating on? =D My least favorite thing to clean: Dishes/Sink after dishes are done BUT I love cleaning bathrooms!
I was planning on living with my college friends this summer, but because I save at least 100 bucks a month by living at home, I decided to come back. I started wanting to work out about a month ago, because I have a wedding in July that I need to lose a couple pounds for to fit comfortably in my bridesmaid dress (the…