Are there any ketchup varieties that don't contain tons of sugar? What do you use as a substitute?
My current daily target goal is 1310. Let's say I burn 310 calories exercising; do I have to eat 310 more calories? I know that only puts me at 1,000 for a daily calorie intake, which isn't that great, but it's not as though I didn't eat the calories. Can anyone help me? Trying to make sense of this all. Thank you so much!
I have been an avid pop drinker (5-6 pops a day). I have been trying to quit for awhile and while embarking on my health journey, I completely omitted it as even just one would make me spiral downhill again. I am having horrible headaches, dizziness and a flushed face. Does anyone know if this is normal? I am in contact…