I have been on the diet for 2 weeks (almost exactly) today. I got on the scale and it told me I've lost 6 pounds since I started. I am ecstatic! I don't follow it to the last letter of the book (it's hard to plan three dinners every night - husband and toddler don't need to be on a diet). I follow it about 95% of the time,…
I live with (and love desperately) a man who LOVES to bake. He understands that I have embarked on a fairly restrictive diet (although, he doesn't understand why - I guess men just don't get the whole swimsuit thing). I am having a hard time staying away from it all, and over the weekend I had a handful of cookies and a…
Anyone else discover the magic of these games? I am loving the "ABBA Dance" right now...
I started tracking here a few weeks ago, but I'm so excited at the resource this is! Not to mention how aware it makes me of exactly what I'm putting into my body! Hooray! I have 24 more pounds to lose!