Alright, I know I am not the only person here who has decided to lose weight by spending most of their exercise time on their bicycles so I thought I would toss this out there: Is there any easy solution to the chafing that us larger folks endure on long rides? I have a decent pair of bike shorts but as I get in better…
Hi all! So I've been trying to tweak my diet to sort of get things balanced from a world of glutinous self indulgence that reigned for the last few years. I feel like I am getting closer to eating healthier but still not hitting the recommended fat intake, coming in at 20-30 grams most days. I'm 5'9, 254 lbs and getting a…
Alright, so I was watching a BBC Horizon show the other night about Fat vs. Sugar and was actually sort of surprised by one of the propositions it made in it and was wondering if anyone else had noticed this to be true for them. In the show they did the usual is sugar worse than fat sort of comparison in a 30 day diet that…