How far does burning calories actually go?
This might sound like a silly question. To maintain my weight I have to be at 1600 calories. I exercise a lot (including running) so today I burnt about 700 calories. I ate about 2200 calories. I was going to go on another run which is normally 3 to 5 miles long to I burn anywhere from 300 to 500 calories. At this point I…
Can someone help me understand my body fat %, pic included
So I had my body fat percentage taken about a week ago in fitness class. It said that it was 13%. Ive been looking online but all I can really find is that it is considered a female athletes range, which I am in no way an athlete. I exercise everyday. I do a lot of running and probably about 15 minutes strength training a…
Eating Disorder Recovery Face Pics- So embarrassing
So I've been in recovery for an ed for a little over a year now. Within that time my weight has gone up and down. Over the past few months my weight has gone down, not all the way, but I know it's too low. So I put these four pictures together to inspire me to never go back to that and thought that I would share,…
Add me if you are working on maintaining your weight
I really need to start maintaining my weight because I'm already underweight, but I can't trust the maintenance calories. I keep thinking I will gain weight if I'm not losing. It would be nice and helpful to see what others are doing. :)
Afraid I won't be able to maintain
I'm 21, 5"7, and weigh 115. I was diagnosed with an eating disorder about two years ago but I've been in recovery for about a year now, and now I'm doing it on my own. During that time I have been anywhere from 100 to 135 pounds. Finally at 115, I really would like to maintain, but I'm afraid that because I am just a…