Hey all! I am a smoker (just under a pack a day) and I used to run nightly, not long but about a half hour a night. I am worried about my lunch capacity and if I will reak anymore havoc on my body if I start running while I continue to smoke. I am hoping to quit soon, but would like to start running before that time comes.…
Hey guys! I am not an exerciser by any means, but I love swimming. I have a small above ground pool (4ft deep). I have been doing laps from corner to corner to get my heart rate going for about 20 minutes a day to start. Does anyone have any good strength or cardio exercises that they do in the pool?
Hey guys! I am from Michigan and just found this site. I am so excited to get started. The two toughest things for me are #1 my drinking habits (i drink beer every evening with friends) and #2 i am so out of shape that i can barely do 10 minutes of cardio. Any suggestions for excersizes that are not boring to get my heart…