Not losing face and belly fat
Hi! I've been training and dieting the past 2 months. Overall I have lost size to a noticeable level but my face and belly remains the same size. Did anyone have this same problem also and got it solved? Or do you guys have any others tips for this? Best Regards, Thileepan P
Running speed
Hi! I recently started running and my aim is fat reduction and weight loss. Some say it is good to run between 60% -70% of my maximum heart rate to burn stored fat in my body. Others say it is good to sprint if my aim is to loose weight. I'm totally confused here. Any suggestions? :)
Protien and fiber rich food
Could you please suggest me some food and recepies that are rich in both protien and fiber?
Doing things right but still gaining weight
Hi! I am following my diet plan and excercise routine properly and also eating clean. I am under my daily calorie limit, but still i am gaining weight instead of losing it. What am I doing wrong?