Anyone from Oklahoma?
Any of my MFP peeps from Oklahoma?? Maybe I could find a workout partner in the area that I live. :)
Taking obese children from their parents???
I read an article...been reading them actually, about the state intervening and taking obese children away from their parents. One incident was because a mother worked 2 jobs so they didn't have to live in the ghetto and bought her child fast food. The state came in, took the boy and moved him to live with his aunt. He has…
Do the slimmer belts or sauna suits work?
They obviously make you sweat but would they help in the weight loss??
Lets be honest, are your children your pawns???
I'm standing on my soap box right now as a P.O.'d mom and wife! I have 2 children and have the "luxury" of not having to deal with their father in any way. He decided many years ago to leave me and the kids alone and let me raise them by myself. Didn't file for child support until recently and that was just for…
Marriage and separate friends?
I met my husband 2 years ago. We got along great and were each other's best friend. So I really quit talking with my friends before I met him and focused solely on us. We recently went thru a situation where I was ready to file for an annulment after just 5 months of marriage. I turned to friends for support. Since then my…
Please pray...
I have a co-worker that is quite a bit stressed today. She just got word that her daughter in law DID NOT pass her stress test. The baby she is carrying isn't moving much. The C-Section is scheduled for over a week away but they may have to take the baby before then. I really don't know what a stress test is or what it…
ZUMBA Classes
Does anyone know where I can calculate how many calories I burn during a Zumba class? Or what I could classify it under on MFP to be close to accurate?
Question for moms that aren't with their child(ren)'s father
Would you keep your child(ren) away from their father? Why or why not? I'm facing this dilemma right now. Not for myself because I feel justified in keeping my kids away from their bio dad. He has a record longer than my college transcript and I have a Bachelor's degree. lol But for my husband. You see, he got involved…
Play soccer? Know any footwork drills?
I've never played soccer and was wondering if anyone has any footwork drills I could do with my daughters. They both play and I was wanting to help them.
New member from OK
I'm new to this site. Found the app on my phone and decided it looked like a great app. I'm from OK and looking to make new friends on here for support, recipes, nonsense and questions if I have any. Like how many calories will I burn for 1 hour of Zumba? I know Zumba isn't on the exercise list. If it is, please tell me…